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How to Perform Mail Merge and Send Emails in zenphi

Sending emails as part of processes is one of the most common actions. in zenphi there are two ways to perform Mail Merge and send emails:

  1. Send using Gmail Send Email Action:

    1. Send email through your own Gmail address or one you have access to

    2. Chose the email alias to send from

    3. Dynamically configure To, CC, BCC, and Email Subject

    4. Generate dynamic Text body

    5. Generate dynamic HTML body using Google Docs or a HTML template file

    6. Attach one or multiple files to the email

    7. Gmail daily limits  and zenphi tier limits applies

  2. Send using zenphi’s Send Email Action

    1. Send email through your own Gmail address or one of it’s aliases

    2. Dynamically configure To, CC, BCC, and Email Subject

    3. Generate dynamic Text body

    4. Generate dynamic HTML body using Google Docs or a HTML template file

    5. Attach one or multiple files to the email

    6. zenphi tier limits applies

While you can send email using both actions, you need to see which one works best for your process.

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